At a time when many workers are losing job security protections, CUPW has been successful in securing job security for RSMCs! CUPW was clear from the outset, to both the Arbitrator and the Corporation, that this was one of our key demands for RSMCs for this round of bargaining.
With the Pay Equity decision, RSMCs were no longer a “competitive advantage” and we had concerns about contracting out and layoffs. We also had concerns about other CPC projects such as sequenced mail that could result in layoffs.
Article 23 of the RSMC Collective Agreement, which expired on December 31, 2017, only provided recall rights for 12 months, with 2 weeks notice of lay-off, and the laid off employee could use their seniority to obtain a vacant route only in the original installation. This was not protection!!
New Job Security Protection – Article 23
Currently, about 6000 Route Holders and Permanent Relief Employees are now protected from lay-off. Everyone else will enter into this protection as they achieve their 5th year of continuous employment with Canada Post.