The Canada Post Corporation (CPC) and The Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) had a first consultation on October 27, 2022, to discuss CPC’s interpretation and implementation of the 10 paid sick days as per the Canada Labour Code (CLC).
The 10 paid sick days as per the CLC comes into effect December 2022, with the ability to access the first 3 days as of January 1, 2023. The final regulations for the 10 paid sick days as per the CLC have not yet been released by the federal government.
This bulletin is for information purposes only as it portrays CPC’s position and CUPW has reserved their right to challenge CPCs interpretation after we have had an opportunity to review and analyze CPCs implementation plan in its entirety. To that effect, CPC has indicated they intend to publish a scenario-based interpretation in a document similar to a Frequently Asked Question (FAQ). This document has not yet been provided to CUPW.